Special Entry: Alaskan Cruise Family Vacation!
Jackie Perazzo March 29, 2020 0 Uncategorized alaska, alaska nature and wildlife expedition, alaskan salmon bake, american crow, american dipper, american robin, arctic tern, bald eagle, barn swallow, bear, belted kingfisher, bird photography, birding, black-legged kittiwake, boat tour, bonaparts gull, brown bear, bus, canada, canada geese, canada goose, Canadian Goose, chilkoot lake, chilkoot river, common merganser, common murre, common raven, crew, cruise, dark-eyed junco, dead horse trail, double-crested cormorant, european starling, excursions, family, fish weir, folk music, glacier, glacier bay national park, glaucous-winged gull, goats, great blue heron, guard island, guard island lighthouse, guillemot, happy birding!, harbor seal, hiking, hiking trail, hiking trails, historic, horned puffin, house sparrow, juneau, juneau alaska, ketchikan, ketchikan alaska, klondike highway, klondike summit, Life Bird, life list, lifebird, lifelist, lifer, lighthouse, lighthouse totems and eagles boat tour, marbled murrelet, medical concerns, mendenhall glacier, mew gull, moore bridge, mother-in-law, mountain goat, mountains, muskeg, national park, Non-Long Island, old brackett wagon road, otter, pacific loon, photography, pigeon guillemot, pine siskin, pitchfork falls, port, princess cruises, puffin, red-throated loon, river otter, rock pigeon, ruby-crowned kinglet, salmon, salmon creek, seal, seal watch, seals, short hike, skagway, sled dogs, song sparrow, spawning, special entry, spotted sandpiper, st. elias range, staff, stay healthy, summer, surf scoter, swainsons thrush, temperate rainforest, totem bright state park, tour, tourguide, tufted puffin, vacation, vallenar rocks wildlife viewing area, wagner mine, water, waterfall, whale watching, whales, white pass scenic railway, white pass summit, white-winged scoter, wildlife, woods, yellow-rumped warbler

Welcome back, everyone! Today I will be telling you all about some birding I did a little bit outside of Long Island… ok, pretty far outside Long Island! I know this blog is primarily about the joy of exploring and…
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