Monthly Archive: February 2020
Finding Feathers Long Island > Blog > 2020 > February
Jackie Perazzo
February 29, 2020
american robin, baltimore oriole, blue jay, bridge, chain-link fence, common Grackle, disappointed, gray catbird, harrison pond town park, house sparrow, information signs, kings park, kings park psychiatric center, limited parking, limited trail, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, mute swan, nissequogue river, parking for town residents only, parking lot, picnic table, Pond, raccoon, red-bellied woodpecker, stream, tow away, town park, Tufted Titmouse, very small, woods, yellow warbler
Welcome back, everyone! Today I will be telling you all about a trip I took back in mid-May of 2019 to Harrison Pond Town Park. To be completely honest with you, I am not even completely sure how I heard…
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Jackie Perazzo
February 22, 2020
american black duck, american goldfinch, american robin, atlantic brant, barn swallow, bathrooms, beach, beautiful, benches, black-and-white warbler, blue jay, brant, breathtaking, brown thrasher, buildings, canada geese, canada goose, Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve, chipmunk, chipping sparrow, common Grackle, crabapple trees, daffodils, dandelions, eastern chipmunk, equestrian center, european starling, favorite, flowering trees, flowers, garden, gray catbird, highly recommended, hill, historic, horses, house sparrow, jetty, lawns, Life Bird, life list, lifebird, lifer, lloyd harbor, lloyd harbor equestrian center, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, long island sound, mansion, marshall field estate, mute swan, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, northern waterthrush, ocean, old, osprey, ovenbird, painted turtle, painted turtles, park staff, parking, parking fee, parking lot, paved trail, pay to park, Pond, preserve, rain, rainy, recommend, recommended, red-bellied woodpecker, red-tailed hawk, red-winged Blackbird, Revisit, savannah sparrow, State Park, statues, Ticks, trees, variety, veery, White-throated Sparrow, woods
Welcome back, everyone. I truly am so excited to tell you all about a trip I took back in early May of 2019 to Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve. This was Steven and my first time visiting this park and…
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Jackie Perazzo
February 15, 2020
american robin, beach, benches, boardwalk, butterflies, clean, common Grackle, common tern, Deer, double-crested cormorant, dunes, easy walk, empire pass, events, family friendly, fauna, flaura, gray catbird, great black-backed gull, gulls, handicapped accessable, herring gull, history, house finch, house sparrow, iconic, information signs, lighthouse, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, marsh, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, ocean, parking lot, pay to park, pier, recommend, recommended, red-winged Blackbird, reeds, Revisit, robert moses state park, sand, shorebirds, signs, solo safe, song sparrow, spring, State Park, stream, tick station, Ticks, trail, variety, views, water reeds, white-tailed deer, White-throated Sparrow, year-round
Welcome back, everyone! Today I am going to talk to you all about a trip I took back on April 30, 2019, to a place I’m sure all Long Islanders are very familiar with, Robert Moses State Park! I’m sorry,…
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Jackie Perazzo
February 8, 2020
american robin, anglers, bethpage state park, blue jay, bridge, canada geese, canada goose, carp, chipping sparrow, crappies, creek, cyclists, dogs, double-crested cormorant, ducks, eggs, fishermen, fishing, flowers, free parking, giant killer ants, great blue heron, great egret, house sparrow, information signs, joggers, lake, largemouth bass, LIRR, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, mallard, Mallards, massapequa, massapequa creek, massapequa reservoir, massapequa train station, mourning dove, mute swan, nest, northern cardinal, parking, parking lot, pga tour, Pond, rainbow trout, recommend, recommended, red-winged Blackbird, Revisit, ruby-crowned kinglet, signs, snapping turtle, song sparrow, spring, stream, trail map, trails, turtles, water, yellow-rumped warbler
Welcome back, everyone! I have a great park to tell you all about this week, my recent trip to the Massapequa Reservoir located directly off of Sunrise Highway and just east of the Massapequa Train Station. It was a gorgeous…
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Jackie Perazzo
February 2, 2020
appologies, birding, brain shunt, chiari malformation, CSF build-up, CSF leak, hospital, i missed you, long island birding, sick, sorry, still here, surgery
Hello everyone… I hope there are still a few of you out there reading! I apologize for my very extended disappearance these past few months but sadly the best-laid plans don’t always work out. As I mentioned in my previous…
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