Welcome back, everyone! As I mentioned in a previous post, there will be a few special entries coming up over the course of this summer/fall. Recently, my husband and I went on a vacation to central Maine, which I was very excited to share with all of you. Today I am eager to tell you all about another recent trip of mine! Just a week ago Steven, myself, and our family all went on a camping trip together to Promised Land State Park in Greentown, Pennsylvania. Our trip was only from Friday to Sunday but, I promise you, it felt much longer. This park has so much to do and see that it was nearly impossible to squeeze in everything. Naturally, I spent the bulk of my time birding and even managed to get a few others interested as well.
Day #1- Friday
We arrived at the Promised Land park a few hours before we were allowed to check in to camp. My mother and father in law, Steven and I were the firsts to arrive and decided to visit the day use area first and have some lunch since our drive was a little over 4 hours. Immediately I knew that this park was going to be special. Tiny Eastern American Toads hopped about around our feet, submerged in the hiding of the lush green field. Barn swallows dipped and dove through the air before the backdrop of a swim beach and distant falls. We claimed our spot at a close-by picnic table and a rest area sat quietly across the parking lot. Nestled between two groupings of trees with a thick forest behind it, the small section of land was abuzz with life. Songbirds flitted between branches; Black-capped Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, White-breasted Nuthatches and Red-eyed Vireos all mingled together amongst the trees. Squirrels and chipmunks darted about the ground gathering their lunches and a new Lifebird for me came to join the commotion, a Blue-headed Vireo. Chipping Sparrows hopped around between the picnic tables scavenging scraps and crumbs while Mourning Doves cooed close by. Down by the beach, Mallard ducks floated over the water as Barn Swallows rested in the shade of a large tree along the shore.
Later in the day, after the rest of the family arrived, we all set out to explore the park. Some of us heading out to hike the trails, others off fishing at the lake and I set off to visit a “conservation island” in the middle of the lake within the park grounds. As soon as I arrived, the car door still in my grasp waiting to be closed, a Bald Eagle flew over a short foot-bridge leading to the island. Racing to get my camera set up in time I managed only a few shots from behind before it disappeared beyond the trees and I set out, invigorated for my adventure! Wood Ducks swam calmly amidst the still water and Red-spotted Newts slithered between the damp leaves blanketing the trail. American Robins dotted tree branches all around me and hunted the soft earth for worms. The trail was a short loop leading around the shore of a small circular island, at times crowding in thick with leaves and branches, leaving little room to see ahead around the bend. I suddenly began to feel very alone in the woods, which I suppose I was, seeing large bear prints and scat in the soft mud and realizing how far I was from everyone else. My pace quickened and before I knew it I could see the end of the loop once again, a large Great Blue Heron soared through the sky landing atop a massive pine tree and chipping sparrows rooted about the dirt parking lot.
Day #2- Saturday
Saturday morning I woke up with the sun. My mother-in-law and I headed out to a wildlife viewing area within the park while the others slept. Eastern Chipmunks ran wild across the ground between the towering tree trunks and the shimmer of the morning sun sparkled off the lake in the distance. Gray Catbirds and American Robins flew brazenly before us from tree branch to tree branch and a storm of Barn Swallows circled over the lake. Eastern Pheobes and Black-capped Chickadees perched within the needles of pine trees watching on as we walked along and Pine Warbler shone out from the shadows of the forest. The drilling of woodpeckers drew our attention to the trees quickly revealing a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker as well as an energetic Downy Woodpecker. With all the commotion we decided to take a seat on an overturned rowboat along the shore and watch the woods which were quickly shaping up to be quite the hotspot of activity. A Northern Flicker soon descended to the dirt path from the treetops and White-breasted Nuthatches scaled the walls of bark. After a while more of waiting a Red-breasted Nuthatch arrived followed by a Black-and-white Warbler and a Chipping Sparrow. The morning pressed on and soon we were being called back to camp for breakfast, it didn’t help that we accidentally took the car with the coolers in the back seat, and we had to put the hunt on hold for another time.
For the rest of the day we stayed at camp, playing games, making fires and spending time as a family, however, birds just kept showing up. While we all sat around enjoying lunch a lifebird flew right into camp and clung to a nearby tree, a Pileated Woodpecker! Later, an American Goldfinch rooted about the grass beside my tent and a Chipping Sparrow perched inquisitively on a tree branch above us. From our campsite, the lake was just barely visible and before dark, we took a walk over to look around a bit spotting some Mallard Ducks, a Bald Eagle, and a few Northern Leopard Frogs.
I love birding and being outdoors, enjoying nature and wildlife but nothing is better than spending time with family. I am very lucky to have such an amazing family that I can enjoy doing things like this with. Our trip was great and one I will remember forever. This park was so full of wildlife, birds, and animals alike and never with a shortage of things to do and see. As we packed the car and headed off for home, another great weekend behind us, a small group of White-tailed Deer gathered at the side of the road to send us off, the cherry on top of a perfect adventure. If you enjoy getting closer to nature and going a little rustic I would definitely recommend giving camping at Promised Land State Park a try, it was well worth the trip! Until next time my friends, Happy Birding!
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