Tag Archive: american black duck
Finding Feathers Long Island > Blog > american black duck
Jackie Perazzo
February 22, 2020
american black duck, american goldfinch, american robin, atlantic brant, barn swallow, bathrooms, beach, beautiful, benches, black-and-white warbler, blue jay, brant, breathtaking, brown thrasher, buildings, canada geese, canada goose, Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve, chipmunk, chipping sparrow, common Grackle, crabapple trees, daffodils, dandelions, eastern chipmunk, equestrian center, european starling, favorite, flowering trees, flowers, garden, gray catbird, highly recommended, hill, historic, horses, house sparrow, jetty, lawns, Life Bird, life list, lifebird, lifer, lloyd harbor, lloyd harbor equestrian center, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, long island sound, mansion, marshall field estate, mute swan, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, northern waterthrush, ocean, old, osprey, ovenbird, painted turtle, painted turtles, park staff, parking, parking fee, parking lot, paved trail, pay to park, Pond, preserve, rain, rainy, recommend, recommended, red-bellied woodpecker, red-tailed hawk, red-winged Blackbird, Revisit, savannah sparrow, State Park, statues, Ticks, trees, variety, veery, White-throated Sparrow, woods
Welcome back, everyone. I truly am so excited to tell you all about a trip I took back in early May of 2019 to Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve. This was Steven and my first time visiting this park and…
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Jackie Perazzo
May 5, 2019
american black duck, american robin, black gum tree, black tupelo trail, black tupelo tree, blue jay, blue-clawed crab, carmans river, complex headquarters, dark-eyed junco, double-crested cormorant, great blue heron, great egret, hooded mergansers, indian landing, information signs, Life Bird, life list, lifebird, lifer, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, mallard duck, mallard ducks, Mallards, merlin, mourning dove, northern harrier, red-bellied woodpecker, Revisit, River, shirley, shore, trail, trail maps, us fish and wildlife services, viewing area, wertheim national wildlife preserve, wertheim national wildlife refuge, white-tailed deer, woods
Welcome back, everyone! I’m trying my best to get back up to speed on some backlogged articles that have built up on me. This one today is going to be about a trip I took at the end of September…
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Jackie Perazzo
May 23, 2018
american black duck, barn swallow, beehive, Black-capped Chickadee, blue jay, canada goose, common Grackle, county park, cygnets, do not feed waterfowl, double-crested cormorant, Downy Woodpecker, dracula, flora, great egret, greenbelt trail, house sparrow, mallard duck, Millers Pond, mute swan, northern cardinal, osprey, parking lot, Pond, red-winged Blackbird, smithtown, song sparrow, tree swallow, white-tailed deer
Hello again everyone, welcome back! Today I’m going to be telling you all about my recent trip to Millers Pond County Park in Smithtown. I first heard of this spot due to its great reputation as a local fishing spot…
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Jackie Perazzo
April 11, 2018
american black duck, american robin, Babylon, Belmont Lake, belmont lake state park, boy scouts, canada geese, canada goose, Carll's River, common Grackle, dogs, Downy Woodpecker, eagle scouts, european starling, fishermen, gadwall, Golden-Crowned Kinglet, great blue heron, green-winged teal, hooded mergansers, horses, joggers, Life Bird, life list, Mallards, mute swan, recommend, red-bellied woodpecker, Revisit, ring-necked duck, Rusty Blackbird, Southards Pond, spring, State Park, tennis court, trail, waterfowl, White-throated Sparrow, winter
Hello again! This past week I decided to head out on my own to explore Southards Pond and the Carll’s River system in Babylon, NY. I will be completely honest with you, I have visited Southards pond many many times…
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Jackie Perazzo
March 11, 2018
american black duck, american crow, Black-capped Chickadee, boardwalk, canada geese, carolina wren, county park, gadwall, Lakeland county park, mallard duck, nest, red-winged Blackbird, song sparrow, wetland
Well, keeping things right on trend, nice weather during the week and a noreaster for the weekend. Friday brought quite a bit of wind and flooding our way and come Saturday there were down trees, power outages, and flooded roadways.…
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Jackie Perazzo
March 2, 2018
american black duck, bald eagle, bike path, bird blind, bird feeders, Black-capped Chickadee, canada geese, common merganser, connetquot river state park, dark-eyed junco, empire pass, european starling, gadwall, gift shop, green-winged teal, house sparrow, I bird NY, lesser scaup, mallard duck, mourning dove, museum, mute swan, northern mockingbird, park map, parking lot, rest-rooms, ring-necked duck, song sparrow, State Park, The sandpiper, Ticks, trail map, Tufted Titmouse, vehicle fee, White-breasted Nuthatch
It seems to be the trend lately that the weather is fine all week long and then a disaster for the weekend. Saturday morning we woke up bright and early, ignoring the threats of rain, and packed up our gear…
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