Jackie Perazzo
February 22, 2020
american black duck, american goldfinch, american robin, atlantic brant, barn swallow, bathrooms, beach, beautiful, benches, black-and-white warbler, blue jay, brant, breathtaking, brown thrasher, buildings, canada geese, canada goose, Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve, chipmunk, chipping sparrow, common Grackle, crabapple trees, daffodils, dandelions, eastern chipmunk, equestrian center, european starling, favorite, flowering trees, flowers, garden, gray catbird, highly recommended, hill, historic, horses, house sparrow, jetty, lawns, Life Bird, life list, lifebird, lifer, lloyd harbor, lloyd harbor equestrian center, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, long island sound, mansion, marshall field estate, mute swan, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, northern waterthrush, ocean, old, osprey, ovenbird, painted turtle, painted turtles, park staff, parking, parking fee, parking lot, paved trail, pay to park, Pond, preserve, rain, rainy, recommend, recommended, red-bellied woodpecker, red-tailed hawk, red-winged Blackbird, Revisit, savannah sparrow, State Park, statues, Ticks, trees, variety, veery, White-throated Sparrow, woods
Welcome back, everyone. I truly am so excited to tell you all about a trip I took back in early May of 2019 to Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve. This was Steven and my first time visiting this park and…
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Jackie Perazzo
February 15, 2020
american robin, beach, benches, boardwalk, butterflies, clean, common Grackle, common tern, Deer, double-crested cormorant, dunes, easy walk, empire pass, events, family friendly, fauna, flaura, gray catbird, great black-backed gull, gulls, handicapped accessable, herring gull, history, house finch, house sparrow, iconic, information signs, lighthouse, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, marsh, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, ocean, parking lot, pay to park, pier, recommend, recommended, red-winged Blackbird, reeds, Revisit, robert moses state park, sand, shorebirds, signs, solo safe, song sparrow, spring, State Park, stream, tick station, Ticks, trail, variety, views, water reeds, white-tailed deer, White-throated Sparrow, year-round
Welcome back, everyone! Today I am going to talk to you all about a trip I took back on April 30, 2019, to a place I’m sure all Long Islanders are very familiar with, Robert Moses State Park! I’m sorry,…
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Jackie Perazzo
September 5, 2018
american crow, american oystercatcher, atlantic brant, bay, beach, black skimmer, black-crowned night-heron, blue-clawed crab, blue-winged teal, boardwalk, brant, canada geese, canada goose, common loon, common merganser, common tern, concert, double-crested cormorant, eastern towhee, empire pass, ephemeral pool, field 10, fish, fishing pier, fowlers toad, great black-backed gull, great egret, herring gull, house sparrow, information signs, ivory-billed woodpecker, jones beach, jones beach state park, jones beach theater, killdeer, laughing gull, lesser scaup, low tide, mourning dove, nature center, northern harrier, northern mockingbird, ocean, osprey, parking fee, parking lot, piping plover, red-breasted merganser, Revisit, ring-billed gull, rock pigeon, ruddy turnstone, sanderling, seal watch, semipalmated plover, sensitive nesting area, short-billed dowitcher, smell, song sparrow, State Park, tree swallow, whatbird.com, year-round, zachs bay
Welcome back everyone, today I have a very exciting park to discuss with you all, a place every Long Islander knows, Jones Beach State Park! This article has been a long time coming but, as many of you know, Jones…
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Jackie Perazzo
August 31, 2018
barn swallow, bay, black-crowned night-heron, blue jay, deer flies, fort salonga, gray catbird, Hairy Woodpecker, hidden, makamah nature preserve, mallard duck, marsh, mosquitoes, mourning dove, nature preserve, nesting box, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, ocean, parking lot, Pond, preserve, red-winged Blackbird, Revisit, saltmarsh, summer, trail map, trail markers, views, wheather, White-breasted Nuthatch, white-tailed deer
Hi everyone, Sorry, I know I have been MIA for a little while but sometimes life just gets in the way. After my last article, my husband and I left for a two-week vacation to central Maine (article to come)…
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Jackie Perazzo
May 30, 2018
american crow, american redstart, beach, Black-capped Chickadee, black-crowned night-heron, blue jay, brown-headed cowbird, bunny, canada goose, chipmunk, common tern, double-crested cormorant, egg chain, eggs, Elizabeth A. Morton, favorite, gray catbird, great egret, great-crested flycatcher, jessups' neck peninsula, knobbed Whelk, Life Bird, lifebird, loop, map, mute swan, National Wildlife Refuge, northern cardinal, ocean, parking fee, parking lot, piping plovers, Pond, prairie warbler, rabbit, rain, red-winged Blackbird, Refuge, Revisit, Sag Harbor, sensitive nesting area, shore, song sparrow, Tufted Titmouse, white-tailed deer, wild turkey, willet, yellow warbler
Hey everybody, I am so excited to tell you all about one of my best birding experiences ever! This weeks article is about a trip that was so unbelievable I am still having difficulty believing that it actually happened, luckily…
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Jackie Perazzo
May 6, 2018
american robin, bald eagle, Black-capped Chickadee, blue jay, bufflehead, canada goose, centerport, common Grackle, double-crested cormorant, Downy Woodpecker, gadwall, great egret, Hairy Woodpecker, harbor, mallard duck, mourning dove, mute swan, northern cardinal, northern flicker, ocean, osprey, parking lot, phragmites park, Pond, private property, red-bellied woodpecker, red-winged Blackbird, snowy egret, stream, twin ponds, White-throated Sparrow
Hello again everyone! This weeks birding adventure was super exciting and brought us out to Centerport NY. Phragmites park was our intended destination but I must say, this being my first time to Centerport, I was enamored with the entire…
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