Jackie Perazzo
February 15, 2020
american robin, beach, benches, boardwalk, butterflies, clean, common Grackle, common tern, Deer, double-crested cormorant, dunes, easy walk, empire pass, events, family friendly, fauna, flaura, gray catbird, great black-backed gull, gulls, handicapped accessable, herring gull, history, house finch, house sparrow, iconic, information signs, lighthouse, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, marsh, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, ocean, parking lot, pay to park, pier, recommend, recommended, red-winged Blackbird, reeds, Revisit, robert moses state park, sand, shorebirds, signs, solo safe, song sparrow, spring, State Park, stream, tick station, Ticks, trail, variety, views, water reeds, white-tailed deer, White-throated Sparrow, year-round
Welcome back, everyone! Today I am going to talk to you all about a trip I took back on April 30, 2019, to a place I’m sure all Long Islanders are very familiar with, Robert Moses State Park! I’m sorry,…
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Jackie Perazzo
June 16, 2019
american robin, Black-capped Chickadee, blue jay, boardwalk, dark-eyed junco, Downy Woodpecker, eastern phoebe, easy walk, environmental center, estate, european starling, favorite, free parking, Golden-Crowned Kinglet, great egret, Hairy Woodpecker, long island, long island birding, long island hiking, long island ny, long island parks, long island photography, mallard, mallard duck, mallard ducks, Mallards, marsh, mute swan, nest, non-profit, northern cardinal, open to public, osprey, Pond, recommended, red-bellied woodpecker, red-winged Blackbird, Revisit, salt marsh, Seatuck, short hike, song sparrow, Suffolk County, trail, trail map, tree swallow, Tufted Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch
Welcome back, everyone! I am super excited for this weeks entry and to tell you all about Seatuck- Suffolk County Environmental Center! So, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon Seatuck online while looking for birding spots within Suffolk county…
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Jackie Perazzo
September 14, 2018
afternoon, american goldfinch, barn swallow, bay, beautiful, birding, black walnut, blue jay, bridges, camera, canada goose, carp, conscience bay, double-crested cormorant, east setauket, favorite, fishermen, fishing, frank melville memorial park, frog, gray catbird, great blue heron, great egret, green frog, green heron, grist mill, gristmil, house sparrow, Life Bird, lifebird, long island birding, long island hiking, long island parks, loop, loop trail, main st, mallard duck, Mallards, marsh, memorial park, mil pond, milfoil, mute swan, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, osprey, parking lot, photography, Pond, pond st, post office, rabbit, rain, red-eared slider, red-winged Blackbird, Revisit, saltmarsh, setauket mil pond, snapping turtle, song sparrow, storm, street parking, sunfish, town park, trails, weather, weeds, wood duck
Hello everyone, welcome back! This weeks article is about a park very close to my heart, Frank Melville Memorial Park and Setauket Mil pond. The park is nestled quietly in a residential area of East Setauket right beside a small…
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Jackie Perazzo
August 31, 2018
barn swallow, bay, black-crowned night-heron, blue jay, deer flies, fort salonga, gray catbird, Hairy Woodpecker, hidden, makamah nature preserve, mallard duck, marsh, mosquitoes, mourning dove, nature preserve, nesting box, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, ocean, parking lot, Pond, preserve, red-winged Blackbird, Revisit, saltmarsh, summer, trail map, trail markers, views, wheather, White-breasted Nuthatch, white-tailed deer
Hi everyone, Sorry, I know I have been MIA for a little while but sometimes life just gets in the way. After my last article, my husband and I left for a two-week vacation to central Maine (article to come)…
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